Nokia is very happy with Tarkmet’s NC press – their purchase decision criteria were a clear user interface, precision and ergonomics

Last year, Nokia ordered a custom-made NC press from Tarkmet for its factory in Oulu. Because the factory engages in R&D of new base station products and their manufacturing processes, they had very specific and exact requirements for the press.

Automation Specialist Jari Mäkinen from Nokia explains that, during product development, they want as much information as possible about every working stage, which is why a clear user interface was one of the top criteria for their purchase decision. Pressing accuracy was also important, because the press was going to be used for assembly work that demands greater precision than anything else in the factory.

“For R&D purposes, we need detailed information about how the pressing process is proceeding and the power the press is applying. The press’s work has to be precise to the millimetre, because the end result must be exactly the same every time. Also, it must be easy to programme for new products with the user interface,” Mäkinen says.

Jari Mäkinen ja NC-puristin

Press ergonomics are important

Nokia chose Tarkmet, because Tarkmet is a Finnish manufacturer and has references to show for producing similar presses before. The press was tailored to meet Nokia’s exacting requirements, but Tarkmet already had the standard components for it, without having to go through a long product development process itself. The price was also right for Nokia.

“Right at the first meeting we realised that Tarkmet has solid know-how of its field and took all our requirements carefully into account. For example, one feature we wanted the press to have was ergonomic adjustable feet to allow the working height to be adapted to the user.”

As Nokia also strives to take the noise impact of machines into account right from the design and purchase stage, one of its criteria was noise abatement. Tarkmet’s press causes no noise nuisance.

User training for a deeper understanding of the use of the press

Nokia had a say in the design of the machine throughout the design process. According to Mäkinen, Tarkmet replied to emails very quickly and communication was easy and efficient.

After the press was finished, Tarkmet provided user training via Teams.

“The training went very well, despite the fact it had to be done via remote access. We were particularly pleased to be able to ask questions about various stages of the work and their implementation. Tarkmet gave us excellent advice for the future. They have also supported us in the use of the machine after the delivery.”

The press has eliminated many concerns

The NC press has now been in use at Nokia for about six months. According to Mäkinen, everyone has been very happy with its operation and versatility. The factory’s products change constantly, which is why it is essential that the press can be modified.

“Advances in 5G products, for example, have brought new products for us to research and develop, and our old machines are not always up to the job. Tarkmet’s NC press is easy to modify for new working stages, which made the investment worthwhile, even if the manufacturing process of this particular product changes in the future. I would go as far as to say that Tarkmet’s NC press has eliminated many concerns for us.”

Nokia’s requirements for the NC press:

  • Excellent user interface for the pressing process
  • Adjustment of power, the pressing process and length of stroke
  • Ergonomics
  • Quick tool change
  • No noise impact
  • Versatility

Tarkmet’s solutions:

  • NC control
  • Electropneumatic adjustable feet for controlling working height
  • Remote desktop and diagnostics through Ethernet or WLAN
  • Pneumatically actuated press table for easy tool change
  • Excellent noise abatement
  • Solutions that allow the press to be used for many tasks, and comprehensive user training

Read more about our NC press